First Expansion

First Expansion

As we embarked on the journey of increasing the scope and domain of our project, we proudly opened a new school serving over 200 students in the mountainous regions of Ecuador. Although we are still in the early stages of increasing the scale of our non-profit, we are taking determined strides in the right direction. To bolster our efforts, we’ve appointed a dedicated individual to focus on grants and applications, which serves to expand our pool of funding. We’ve also amplified our presence on social media, which has already begun to open up additional funding opportunities for us. This support is crucial until our grant initiatives fully materialize.

Additionally, we understand the value of diverse funding sources in sustaining our growth and are actively seeking corporate sponsorship. We embrace the philosophy that “perfection is the enemy of progress” and thus we are not waiting for flawless conditions to arise before we advance in our mission. Starting next month, we will begin evaluating our students. This is a critical step in refining our educational approach and moving towards our goal, which is ambitious yet attainable: to equip our students with a level of English proficiency and education that paves their way to studying at universities in the United States and equips them with the skills they need to succeed.

In the interim, as we fine-tune our plan, we are launching after-school clubs conducted entirely in English. These clubs provide valuable language immersion for our students and will also allow us to test and develop our educational model further through a hands-on approach. This approach affords us the necessary time to address upcoming changes and gather the essential support and funding that we need.
We’re extremely optimistic about this journey. With each step we take, we come closer to realizing our vision of providing transformative education and opening up new horizons for our students in Ecuador.

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